MInd Set – Magic or Madness

There is a lot of talk about ‘mind sets’ at the moment, and for good reason. Mind sets are simply what we believe in, what we see as true and these mind sets can have a great impact on our lives.

We often se it with children, they think they can’t do something so get all stressed when they need to ‘do it’ reading, maths, riding a bike and without a lot of encouragement they would easily fail again which of course would reinforce their belief that they can’t do it …..and so on.

But it doesn’t just apply to children – the wrong mind set can be  responsible for holding back lots of adults in their business or personal lives.

Mind sets are often subconscious, in fact many people wouldn’t even know what their mind set was in relation to a particular area like money or success but it may well be preventing them from moving forward. Sometimes people will say they want to be successful in business for example but actually their mind set may be that they are pretty useless and will always fail, other people may want fulfilling relationships but actually their mind set is that they are unlovable and no one will ever want to be with them.

What happens is that the sub-conscious will cause us  to self sabotage so no matter how much effort we put in we will rarely see the results we want -UNTIL we sort out the mind set.

If you want to experience greater success and fulfilment in your life then there are some key mind sets to sort out – you can read about them by following the link below.


Life is precious and it’s easy to let weeks, months or years drift by struggling against mind sets that will limit you – so take action today