6 Reasons to start, or build, a business in 2018

In some ways it is the dream, having your own business, and many would imagine it is the best way to achieve more time freedom and flexibility in their work life. But if you ask anyone who has their own business they will probably tell you that hey work longer and harder than they ever did in employment.

So is it a mad idea? I don’t think so because what those who have their own business will also say is that the hard work and hours are worth it for the autonomy and satisfaction that it can bring. Of course it isn’t for everyone but if it is something you’ve been thinking about now could be just the time to start DOING it and here are some of the reasons why.


It’s never been easier

Nowadays there are a huge number of tools to help you run your business. There are computer programmes and apps that can help you with social media posts, marketing, writing blogs, keeping diaries and accounts, producing fliers and adverts and numerous other things. There are also a number of websites and organisations, like Attuned Success who are dedicated to helping you be successful.

There are lots of opportunities

In addition to traditional businesses there are a number of new approaches which makes starting your own business even easier. For example there are numerous affiliate and network marketing schemes where you run your own business but a lot of the ‘work’ is done for you, even down to having a website created or managed for you. But if it is a product based business there are still lots of ways the internet can help you sell and market your products.

Recent years have also seen a huge growth in what is often called service or information businesses where you run a business offering information, advice, guidance, coaching or therapy to others. This can be entirely on line or can have a part of it online. There will always be some risks but whatever skills you have you can always learn more.

It doesn’t need to cost lot

We may have all come across business schemes or affiliate programmes that have a hefty buy in tag but there are also plenty that don’t so it is worth doing some research. Essentially to start a business you need time and you may need to spend a little on say developing website, though others can do this themselves, but many business don’t need space to store stock or have any physical premises other than a corner of their accommodation to have computer.

Support is available

As well as facebook groups and a number of online business who can work to support you there is support in the UK as well, both financially and from the government. In fact small firms contributed 1.4 trillion to the economy this year so the government wants to support small business. In every area you will find business groups where you can meet with like-minded folk, share ideas and learn from each other and there are similar groups and forums on-line.

Competition is not a bad thing

Sometimes people tell me they have an idea but then say that they won’t go ahead with it as they’ve seen several other similar businesses. Think about your local town for a moment, how many coffee shops are there? The chances are there are several sometimes even next door to each other. If there were no coffee shops in the area then I’d be very wary about starting one as there would be no evidence that it was a place people liked to meet for coffee. But if there is then while you may need to work to make yours attractive or even unique in some way, if there are existing ones in the area then you know there is a demand for that service.

You’ll regret it if you don’t

Most people think about the idea of starting a business for a long time before they actually do it. So if you have had this thought before then what is it that stops you? For many it is fear and that is understandable but it is possible to starts a business as a secondary venture and build it up slowly whilst also working. There will always be a reason why now might not be a good time, children are small, you are going to move, you’ve just been promoted, you’ve just started or ended a relationship, the list can go on.  Obviously it is up to you but when it comes to a business there really may be no better time than 2018.