Making Wellbeing Work
August 12, 2020We have certainly heard a lot about the need to prioritise wellbeing over recent weeks – a sentiment I whole heartedly agree with, but we all know there is a danger of using the words without any significant change in actions. As a society we haven’t always had a very holistic view of wellbeing – […]
Reflections on Regulation
July 30, 2020When I first worked with children and young people with social emotional and mental health needs, which back then we called emotional and behavioural difficulties, the word regulation wasn’t in regular use. There was a focus on behaviour, consistent boundaries and often complex systems of rewards and sanctions. Things have changed a little over the […]
Why is art therapeutic?
July 26, 2020I am delighted to post this guest blog from Chloe Billington, founder and director of Child in Time, a company offering a counselling service for children within schools. You can find out more about Child in time here Given the situation we have found ourselves in recently, many people have been drawn to creativity, precisely […]
10 Tips to Maintain your Mental Wellbeing
July 15, 2020I uploaded a video about maintaining our mental well being for mental health awareness day in October a couple of years ago. The general advice doesn’t change much,and for many of us we k now what we need to do. Given the recent situation many of us have become more aware of what a top […]
Creating Calm, Comfort and Connection
June 15, 2020In these times that have been at best unusual and at worst traumatic and overwhelming what we all need is some calm, comfort and connection. Children particularly so as they often lack the maturity, or social and emotional development to be able to regulate alone, and let’s be honest emotions can feel pretty scary. Home […]
Helping all children read
February 20, 2020if children don’t learn to read the impact on their self- esteem and life chances can be very negative. science has shown the most effective method is a synthetic phonics programme like Sounds-write. please watch the video – watch right to the end it’s not from UK but issues are the same – and if […]
Practising Self-Care in Your New Life After Baby
January 1, 2020Self care is important in maintaining physical and mental well being – and when you have just had anew baby that is especially important. thanks to Ashley for her second guest blog! Bringing a new baby into the world is a magical event. Your life becomes infinitely more fulfilling, your love is abundant and your […]

5 Must Do’s after Attending a Live Event, Training or Conference
November 24, 2018I decided to write this blog after attending the 2 day content live event with Janet Murray (and a host of other fab presenters) for two reasons: firstly I thought it would help me be clear about what I needed to do to make sure I got the most from the event and secondly as […]
5 Must Do’s’ After Attending a Live Event, or Conference
November 24, 2018I decided to write this blog after attending the 2 day content live event with Janet Murray ( and a host of other fab presenters) for two reasons: firstly I thought it would help me be clear about what I needed to do to make sure I got the most form the event and […]

Learning to be a Warrior
July 29, 2018This was first published in Affinity Magazine but the themes feel like they are worth re-iterating! Learning to be a Warrior! The word warrior is one we all l know and will probably assume, correctly, that it is a word that means a fighter, a soldier, a combatant of some type. But hopefully not many […]