Why there is an ‘I’ in invest
July 3, 2018The word invest according to the Oxford on line dictionary means provide with power and authority place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position make an investment give qualities or abilities to furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors And the relevant definitions of investment are below money that is invested […]

Parenting with a disability: Tips will help to overcome challenges
June 18, 2018Delighted to publish the first guest blog!! Having a baby presents a whole range of challenges for any new parent but if you are a parent with a disability then these challenges can be even greater. In this blog Ashley shares some really practical advice about ways of overcoming some of these challenges. Courtesy Pixabay […]
Learning about Choices
May 28, 2018First Published in Affinity Magazine I’ve heard a few times recently people saying things like ‘I couldn’t help it’ ‘they made me do it’ or ‘well it wasn’t my fault it was because …….’. Well let’s just set one thing straight. Unless someone literally has a gun to your head or is putting you under […]
Learning to make choices
May 28, 2018First Published in Affinity Magazine I’ve heard a few times recently people saying things like ‘I couldn’t help it’ ‘they made me do it’ or ‘well it wasn’t my fault it was because …….’. Well let’s just set one thing straight. Unless someone literally has a gun to your head or is putting you under […]

See it Say it Sorted!
May 20, 2018This was an artcile I wrote for Affinity Magazine but the message is useful for us all. If you have travelled by train recently you will have seen the exhortation ‘See it. Say it. Sorted.’ I find it fascinatinging that most people plan their vacation with more care than they plan their lives. Perhaps that’s […]

Keep Calm and Pass your Exams
May 19, 2018For my blog post this week I have gathered together a nmber of earlier posts about revision and exams into a downloadable ebook Keep Calm and Pass your Exams. You candownload it by clicking here AND I’ve done summary video that I’ve put on the facebook page, you can watch it here
Managing your Mind
May 6, 2018Don’t forget to join in the 5 day mindset mastery challenge – startsing 7th May but you can catch up later as it will all be in the fabeook group Steps4success Managing Your Mind-set As a coach, and earlier as a teacher, I am aware of the very powerful influence our mind-set can have […]

Learning about the Happy Hormones
April 22, 2018This was first published in Affintity Magazine but I think its helpfulfor evry one to know a bit about the hormones that impact our happiness. Our state of happiness depends on a whole range of factors, some would say genetic predisposition plays a part as well as our current situation, but it’s probably fair to […]
More on Mindsets
April 22, 2018This was first published in Affinity magazine but the subject of Mind set is vital for success so I thought Id share it here too. There is a lot of talk of mind-set these days – the underlying beliefs, often subconscious that can exert a sometimes significant influence upon almost every area of our […]

Helping Teenagers Revise
April 8, 2018As the exam season is fast approaching once again here are a few tips for parents who are faced with supporting their teens to revise for exams I published this first on hubpages and you can read the whole article by following this link Do’s and Don’ts Encourage but don’t nag Stay positive even if […]