10 Quotes about success and why they inspire me!
May 29, 2017I love quotes! Somehow they can get a whole world of meaning into just a few words. I find they inspire me in all sorts of different ways. So I thought I’d share a few of my favourites and say how and why they inspire me. “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You […]

8 ways to helpchildren and young people learn about emotions
May 29, 2017As this week has shown in a shocking and tragic way we live in a world where awful things happen. Yes, it is also a wonderful world but there are times when either at a personal and individual level, through illness bereavement or numerous other traumas or at a wider societal level (within which there […]
6 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Coach
May 26, 2017It is only in relatively recent decades that anyone other than a top athlete or performer would have coaching, yet now it seems that many people are prepared to spend almost a small fortune hiring a life or business coach. So why is that? Below I’ve listed some of the common reasons people hire […]

Risking a few risks
May 21, 2017We hear a lot about safeguarding, health and safety, risk assessments, and duty of care. These are all very important, especially for anyone involved in the care of children or young people. But as a society it seems we could be in danger of becoming very ‘risk averse’. In terms of academic learning we encourage […]
The difference between an Entrepreneur and Employee Mindset
May 20, 2017Mindset is central to success in any area of life or business but when people make the move to start a business there needs to be a particular shift in Mindset. In fact the mind set shift is probably more important to your success than any of the ‘actions’ you might take. In many […]

How to Handle Homework
May 16, 2017Many parents can see homework as a bit of a battle, at any time of the year but especially when the sun starts to shine. As parents it can be tough we are told abut the benefits of exercise and being outdoors for children so it often goes against the grain to be restricting […]
How to Overcome the ‘curse’ of Putting it Off
May 16, 2017It so easy for an entrepreneur to know what they want to achieve, maybe they’ve even broken this down into manageable steps but somehow there are some ‘steps’ that just don’t seem to happen. Often this is referred to as procrastination, we know we should do something, part of us WANTS to do it – […]

Plate Spinning Like a Pro’
May 6, 2017For lots of folk who work, run their own business, manage a life and often fulfil yet more responsibilities, one of the key skills that must be mastered is that of, metaphorical, plate spinning. Managing to keep everything running smoothly, meeting the sometimes conflicting demands of family and business whilst also having time to let […]

How to build positive self-esteem
April 30, 2017In my work roles I have often worked with children and young people who struggle with self-esteem. This can happen for all sorts of reasons and is always a concern for the adults who are around them, whether that be parents, or other relatives, carers or staff in schools. Of course it is easiest […]