Managing Exam Stress
April 22, 2017We have now reached that time of year when children and young people in both primary and secondary schools are facing assessments and exams. The hope is that in primary schools these remain fairly low key, though from what some teachers and parents report that is not always the case – with some being relentlessly […]
8 Ways to Attract Abundance
April 16, 20178 Ways to Attract Abundance If the concept of attracting abundance is new to you then a good place to start is by reading ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne. But as that will take a little while, the basic concept is that the universe is abundant and that we can attract some of that […]
5 Things That Will Stop You Being Successful
April 9, 2017Almost everyone wants to be successful. How they define that success may differ but the majority of folks want success in some form or other and many specifically seek success in business. Yet it is very easy to slip into habits that will actually STOP you experiencing success you. If you regularly indulge in any […]
Success Starts Here
April 3, 2017Each and every day it is important to make sure that you are in the ‘right place’ for success. Here’s 5 simple tips to help you be in that ‘place’ BE POSITIVE We all know that life can present challenges but we also know that with positive outlook can help even in the difficult times. […]

The ‘numbers’ of Reading
April 3, 2017This image was kindly provided by ‘mom loves best’ you can check out their website here Recent estimates suggest that while there may be less than 1% of the adult population who are completely illiterate there are approximately 5.1 million people – about 16% who are what would be described as functionally illiterate with a […]

Learning to Love a Good Laugh
March 17, 2017My article on laughter was first published in Affinity magazine last May – but we could all do with a reminder of how good it is for us to laugh!! so here it is again. I must confess that in my opinion one of the best sounds on earth is that of children laughing. It […]
4 Mindful Exercises To Try Today
March 14, 2017Over recent years there has been a growing understanding of how damaging stress can be and mindfulness has become a tool of choice in terms of stress reduction for many people and organisations. So if you are new to mindfulness, or if you’ve heard about it but don’t know where to start here a […]
Promoting Positive Mental Health
March 8, 2017Mental Health is something that has been in the news quite a bit recently, and when it comes to the mental health of children and young people some of the statistics are indeed quite shocking. The figures below are taken from One in Four (26%) young people in the UK experience suicidal thoughts Among […]
Games to develop auditory discrimination
October 11, 2016If Children are to learn to read they need to learn how we represent the words in our language in a printed or written form. For this to make sense they need first to ‘hear’ the sounds in our language. That is one of the reasons why the Sounds-write phonics programme is so effective – […]
Ensuring Children are Reading Ready
September 28, 2016Parents usually want to support their child(ren)’s learning and most parents are particularly keen to ensure their child(ren) become fluent, independent readers. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts any difficulties with reading will usually give rise to other problems as reading is fundamental to accessing other parts of the curriculum. Often children won’t start formal […]