How to Support your Child’s Learning
September 17, 2016It’s the start of a new school year and many children and teenagers may have started a new school and almost all will be in a new class. with a different teacher. I am often asked by parents how they can support their child’s learning – so here are a few pointers. See Education and […]
Summer Fun
July 23, 2016So once again the school holidays are upon us – for teachers that means a well earned rest, but for parents it can mean juggling work and child care and surviving holidays with children! For the children and young people it usually means a lot of freedom to do things they want and importantly have […]
What to make of Phonics results!
July 12, 2016Many year 1 children will have received the results of the phonics test. The mark is out of 40 and 32 is the mark considered a pass. A mark below this will mean that the child will be re screened next year. Remember it is a screening check rather than a test. What we know […]
Dream Big
January 23, 2016In education we talk a lot of aspirations – strongly desired goals or aims and in schools teachers are asked and expected to set aspirational targets for children. It is all about having dreams, not settling for what is easily achievable but striving for something that may at first seem unattainable. It is all to […]
Fuelled for Growth
November 29, 2015We all know that for a car to run well we have to put in the right fuel. Happily I have not (yet) put the wrong kind of petrol in my car but I know others have and I know that it doesn’t just have an impact on performance but it can actually cause serious […]
Learning from Children
November 2, 2015There are some superb quotes about children and learning and often the particular qualities of childhood they refer to, their thirst for knowledge, their spontaneity, their amazing ability to live in the moment are things we could do well to learn to hang onto as adults. Thirst for Knowledge As adults, we would probably all agree […]
Tolerating Intolerance or being Intolerant of tolerance??
October 22, 2015I find I must agree with this statement by Princess Diana – it seems to me that in many ways we have become intolerant as a society in ways that can be very damaging to individuals. I was at a check out in a shop the other day when the rather elderly lady in front […]
Away With Worry
October 19, 2015We all do it and we all know it doesn’t actually achieve much at all. There is a quote that says “Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair – it gives you something to do but you doesn’t get you anywhere!” – well nowhere that’s positivethat’s for sure. What worry does is to Keep us awake […]
So you want success?
October 19, 20155 Ways to Be Successful I first published this article in Affinity magazine – and if you are reading this blog post then what I know is that you are hungry for success! So to get started try following these tips. There is a lot said about success and happiness these days, people WANT success, […]

Upcoming Courses
October 15, 2015Just to let you know about some courses that we’ll be running in the Bedford area in the next month or so 5th November 10am – 1pm MIND SET MAGIC A half Day workshop where you will learn how your mind set can sabotage your success AND how to fix that so if you want […]