Updates June 2022
June 3, 2022As I haven’t written a blog post in many months I thought now would be a good time to give a few updates.
I continue to do lots of training in both phonics and issues related to vulnerable children but recently I have also written a chapter for a multiauthor book called My Mess is my Message – you can buy it here
In many ways my chapter is based on the things I spoke about in another blog – Routine Therapy.
When we go through tough times it is more important than ever that we prioritise our wellbeing – that’s the only way we can keep on giving – and we owe it to ourselves to stay well. In our culture in particular I think we’ve got used to not listening to our bodies or indeed our minds and emotions but carrying on regardless until our body or mind screams at us to stop.
I’m delighted to be taking part in the My Mess is My message Summit 6 – 9th June you can find out more and register here
I’d also like to remind you that you can access a free E book ‘Creating a Mindset for Manifesting’ – just drop me an email and I’ll send it straight to your inbox as a PDF.

Also my book Make it Magnificent is on special offer on Amazon – just click here

But what I am really excited to tell you about is the launch of my online course – Creating a Mindset for Wellbeing on June 13th (lucky for you)
Starting my career as a nurse means I have always valued wellbeing – I suppose I have also felt we have some personal responsibility to look after ourselves, not that I’ve always managed it well.
But what I’ve come to realise more recently is that all sorts of mindsets and limiting beliefs work against us looking after ourselves – often at times when our need for self kindness and self care is at it’s most urgent.
This is a 6 week course (and I’m afraid you can’t binge) one module is delivered each week as you are sent a video and a work book with exercises for you to do to explore the things that are getting the way of you keeping yourself well. I am available throughout for email support and in week 3 and week 6 I offer a ‘call’ to explore any issues that may have arisen.
The cost of the 6 week programme is £197 which includes 6 videos 6 workbooks and 2 calls.
Signing up couldn’t be easier simply email me mulvenneysh@aol.com and you can get started as soon as the course launches.
So what are you waiting for………….