Mental Health and Children
September 22, 2017Mental health has been in the news a lot lately and particualrly mental health among children. I’ve written posts before about mental health or aspects related to it and links are at the bottom of this post if you’d like to read them. But this week a couple of powerful new resources have […]
3 Types of Texts that help Children Become Readers
August 31, 2017I have met plenty of children and young people who love reading and I have also met children who don’t love reading. Often, but certainly not always this dislike of reading has stemmed from early difficulties with reading. The difficulties may have been resolved but for some children who struggled when they were learning […]
6 Success Habits you Need to Develop – RIGHT NOW
August 27, 2017Obviously I write about ‘success’ a lot and all the many and varied things that means for different people at different times. Hopefully we all know that developing the right Mindset is crucial to success, as is identifying and eliminating the unhelpful mindsets that often block our path to success. But we can also work […]

Thoughts about Thoughts
August 13, 2017Thoughts about Thoughts Thoughts are important, I think we’d probably all agree with that. It is our thoughts that in time give rise to our feelings and our actions. Everything that happens begins with a thought whether it is something simple like standing up, lifting a cup or planning a holiday, deciding to move […]
Thoughts about Thoughts
August 13, 2017Thoughts about Thoughts Thoughts are important, I think we’d probably all agree with that. It is our thoughts that in time give rise to our feelings and our actions. Everything that happens begins with a thought whether, it is something simple like standing up, lifting a cup or planning a holiday, deciding to move house […]
FREE COURSE – Help Your Child to Read and Write
August 6, 2017I have often written blog posts before about reading, teaching reading and helping children to become effective readers. That is simply because, like others I think reading is a fundamental skill that children need to learn and they deserve to be taught in ways that will help them achieve that, by people who have the […]
5 ways to Mojo Mastery
July 29, 2017When I work with business folk, and entrepreneurs particularly, they will often tell me that they have lost their mojo! The Cambridge English dictionary defines mojo as “A quality that attracts people to you and makes you successful and full of energy.” Well I’m pretty sure we’d all want a bit of that in both […]

7 School Holiday Survival Tips (For Parents!)
July 23, 2017Help Its School Holidays! They have arrived for almost all of the UK now and for many parents it means six weeks of somehow juggling even more than usual. In the UK, according to the Modern Families Index ( 48% of couple families said they worked full time and 57% of single parents reported working […]
5 Ways to Use Authenticity to Increase Engagement
July 15, 2017This seems to have become a bit of a buzz word, and what I find with buzz words is that often there is confusion about what these actually mean and how you can apply a concept to your life or business. The meaning of the word is simply ‘being genuine’ ( though talks of […]

Finding time for MORE of what matters!
July 10, 2017I can’t count how many times I have heard others (or myself!) grumble that there just isn’t enough time. But let’s be honest we all get the same amount, though we may have differing demands on that amount. The one thing we can’t actually change is the number of hours, minutes, seconds in a day. […]