
Exciting times for us as we are hosting lots of students from overseas, seeing an increase in tapping clients and launching our exciting new weight loss programme on 7th July at Embankment hotel at 6.30pm. It’s called Tap yourself thin and what makes it so unique is that it not only addresses eating and exercise habits but the emotional drivers that motivate those.

After a holiday in may the summer season is well underway and for us that means hosting a teaching students from all over the world. It’s great teaching such motivated students and we learn lots about their countries and cultures as well.

We still have other students for tuition and we also have some dates booked to deliver training, and still finding time for a bit of writing check out

But the exciting news is that we shall soon be launching a weight management tapping programme – so watch this space.

For lots of young people they are finally coming to the end of exams so hopefully lots of families will be finding life a little less stressful. Here’s to hoping good weather continues!